John Dinh

Designer by day, hacker by night..
..but really just a normal dude with some skills. Read more

Hi, I do graphic and webdesign and I also like to hack things. When I was a kid I always destroyed my birthday gifts just to see how things worked on the inside, and ofcourse my mother was always mad at me because of my curiosity. I dont destroy my gifts anymore, but I am still very curious about how things work. Today I play around with alot of electronic and computer stuff - everything from webdesign to printing reciepts out of receipt printers and minicomputers like the so-called raspberry pi. I use this know-how to make my life easier and by making my life easier I make everyone elses life easier - I hope. But I also just like to tinker with stuff and as long as it is fun, life is good.



Quiz buzzers

Long time ago I found some wired buzzers at a "too-good-to-go" near my apartment.

The buzzers worked with my ps2 and the game "buzz - the big musiz quiz" but I thought, I wanted utilize buzzers and connect to a raspberry pi mini computer and make my own quiz game (I made one before but without buzzers). After testing I bought some wireless one and bought an extra pair. I spend days to make two pair of buzzers to work and I did encounter a couple of bugs but in the end it worked. I made three modes, one with just a simple question and then you can buzz in to answer the question. The second mode was also a question but everyone can press one of the colored buttons and when everyone answered the one with the correct answer will be displayed. The third mode I call it the "percentage mode" which is a question and then you can use the buzzers to choose the percentage - I think there was another computer quiz game that has that mode. There are alot of potential in these devices and I gonna work on it some more.

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Redesign of restaurant Kowloon webpage

I redesigned a restaurants webpage.

Before it looked like something from the 90'ties. It was a mess - I had a big urge to redesign it, so I did. Information was better and people want to be apart of a restaurant if they have a good image, and a webpage is definitely a good start.

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I worked at a company where they manually had to figure out when the sport games where due and had to manually write it on a whiteboard.

Sometimes we would forget some games with their dates or there will be human made errors and we would have to work extra overtime. I don't want that so I automated it with scripts and made a dashboard where we now could plan several weeks ahead.

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aasv online

Aasv song voting application

Every year the Aasv songwriter community have an award show.

They needed a way to upload and vote on the songs, so I made an application for that which streamlined the whole process.

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Order app for Kowloon

I didn't want to run back and forth from the kitchen and the restaurant

everytime i manually wrote down on some order paper, so I made an app that printed order reciepts. When we took orders it was always like 1x15, 1x32v etc. I wanted to keep the same procedure and made a calculator design.

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Takeaway system

When the corona virus hit and we were only allowed to do takeaway

at the restaurant, I was the only waiter employee that had to take order via telephone. Every day near dinnertime the telephone would be ringing and we would have severeal people in the queue. So I made a takeaway system, so I didn't have to sit by the phone all evening and I could use my time on some fun instead.

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menu card

Redesign of menu card

Kowloons old and outdated menu cards would often make people

point at a dish and when the order came, they would say that they didnt order that. In a restaurant where everything just has to go smooth and every order that has to be reordered can put alot of pressure on everything else. I dont like stress, so I redesigned their menucard so people definitely would order what they where pointing at.

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LED banner for car company

I made over hundreds of LED banners - this one is with cars
(Watch on desktop please)


LED banner for garden company

I made over hundreds of LED banners - this one is with garden company
(Watch on desktop please)


LED banner for wine company

I made over hundreds of LED banners - this one is with wine
(Watch on desktop please)

mong kok menu

Simple menu card for restaurant Mong Kok

The restaurant I worked at changed their concept

but still had this big A3 menucards. I wanted to make it better - new concept new menucard. I redesigned their menu cards so it could fit on two A4. I found some sushi rolling mats and glued it on the other side of the two A4 papers. then I weaved it together so it look like a book or folder. The look and feel fitted much better to their new dim sum concept.

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Orderpaper for restaurant The great wall

At my first job as a waiter, I was annoyed of the orderingpaper

the customer had to fill out. It had obvious design flaws and was not very userfriendly. You had to think extra sometimes. So I made a new one.

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